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Why is Noise Barrier Insufficient?

Saw this article on the web? – A.S.S article. Here is our explanation.

Construction management and its relation with dwellers would always be sour if one party’s interest does not go hand in hand with the other. The question would then be, who is at fault?

As a Noise Control Barrier supplier since we first started out as SONES CONSULTANCY, we always would suggest to our customers that the best noise mitigation tactic would be having Noise Barriers fixed to assist in mitigating noise. It would mean either the Temporary Noise Barrier, Permanent Noise Barrier, Portable Noise Barrier or even the Noise Reduction Net.

HOWEVER, we would also push to them that Noise Barrier system would not be the only solution because here in Jinbiao, we not only supply but we also do consult our customers on the best thing to do to further increase its efficiency AFTER using mitigation products from us.

This isn’t a problem of the quality of Noise Barrier or if Noise Barrier/enclosures are erected up to assist its noise mitigation but somehow a problem of managing noise and its plan to manage. From how the article is written, it mentions on truck noise and whistles on going which makes everything all so bad.

Managing noise not only has mitigation system in place BUT what goes on during the certain period of time. On top of that, what is happening should also be managed as to how long it should be happening for especially if its decibel emitted is high. With that stated, activity that can be avoided should always try to be implemented ESPECIALLY WHEN it is night time and the permitted noise level is only at 55 decibel (which is referred to as a normal rustling of leaves from wind blowing).

Sounds difficult is it not? HOWEVER the thing about our government officials from National Environment Agency (NEA) is that where the highest effort has been implemented, such agency will definitely try assist you on managing complains by dwellers. As a government agency, their role is always to mediate and not penalize you, as a construction firm, UNLESS no effort is being done.

So to all the construction stakeholders #ProjectManager #QuantitySurveyor #WSHO #SiteSupervisor who wish to know more about how you can do it, contact us at or call us at 6250 3385 should you wish to work together with us to solve your noise issue because at Jinbiao, we don’t only supply, BUT we give you the best suggestion there is to further assist you, simply because the connection in building trust is far greater than anything.


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