The remarkable differences between 2 terms: Sound Proofing and Sound Absorbing

Quality acoustics is essential in commercial and industrial spaces, as it creates a conducive environment for doing business. However, this concern is often overlooked by property owners and users mainly because they don’t know how exactly to deal with it. Quality acoustics has sound proofing and sound absorbing properties to solve noise issues.

sound proofing and sound absorbing Noise Barriers
Hebei Jinbiao Noise Control Barrier with Sound Proofing and Sound Absorbing properties

People who have an issue with noise usually seek a “sound proofing” solution. From their perspective, they want unwanted sound to be prevented from entering their space, or at least have the upper hand in controlling its effects.

The concept of acoustics can be difficult to understand at first, mainly because it cannot be seen or held (only heard). At the same time, their primary goal is to control sound according to their liking, notwithstanding the fact that there are different ways to accomplish this task.

There are two prominent terms that arise involving the use of sound barriers, sound proofing and sound absorption. While both these concepts use sound barriers, they address sound problems differently.

1. Soundproofing.

Soundproofing refers to the action of blocking sound. While it is used as a general term addressing all interior acoustic solutions, it refers to specifically preventing sound from penetrating into a dedicated space.

Soundproofing makes use of sound insulating materials that stop sound from entering or leaving a dedicated space, such as a room. Sound barriers that intend to block noise are usually heavy and solid, since the action requires material to be dense enough to prevent sound from going through.

Sound barriers intended for proofing are not always the go-to solution for all noise mitigation problems. However, they are used in a variety of places, such as theatres, cinemas, and TV or radio studios in order to resolve issues involving unwanted sound.

2. Sound absorption.

Controlling noise using sound absorption is likewise an extremely effective solution in specific situations. In terms of lessening acoustic features such as echo, pitch, and noise within a space, sound absorption is more viable compared to proofing.

There are sound barriers that are specially designed to absorb acoustics. They are made of soft materials that can soak up as much sound that hit their surface. Sound absorption proves to be effective in walls and ceilings of classrooms and concert halls, for instance, as these help improve sound quality (speech intelligibility) and reduce disturbing echo.

What exactly do you need to address?

Choosing between sound absorption and soundproofing as a method to address sound control issues can be difficult. However, you should keep in mind what you want to achieve in your space when it comes to acoustics. Below are some of the considerations you may want to look at prior to choosing a sound control solution:

·         Are you using an interior or exterior space?

·         What is the purpose of the space you intend to soundproof?

·         Do you need to improve the quality of sound in your room?

·         Do you need to prevent sound from leaving your room?

·         Do you need to prevent noise (or sound that you cannot control) from entering a space?

By being able to answer these questions, you get a better understanding of your acoustic needs, and the type of sound control solution to use. This is also what you need to prepare for yourself before reaching a reliable contractor and let them install the most suitable type of noise barriers based on your expectations.

Hebei Jinbiao is a leading company in Noise Control products in Singapore. We guarantee to provide you with the most high-quality Noise Control products and reliable assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to helping you solve your noise issues and protect you from noise pollution.

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