Sure we are a manufacturing company supplying mostly Noise Barriers and Mesh Fences but did you know our history goes back all the way till Work and Safety courses too?
That aside, we have decided to give you a thing or two for you to check your list of safety. Why you may ask..? Because here in Jinbiao, we do not just want to make business, but we want to make connection to our clients. BY THE WAY, we will be adopting our very own tag, “Your Business Partner in Construction Materials”. *APPLAUSE*
Demonstrating does not only mean from the working group but all the way from the top which would be the subordinates, the sub-contractors and even suppliers. Sure the stakeholders will have their own objectives of cost cutting, quality, time effective and many more and this would lead to mix interpretation of safety. Safety leadership also includes the recognition and reward of good safety management and performance, as well as the constructive correction of substandard safety management or performance.
Safety management should start right from the design stage. Acts like this should minimize risk to health and safety of people who roam, occupy and maintain structure and facility. More often than ever, a few organization would contribute to the final design stage and at this point, all the said organization should have at least done a few risk management assessments (intervals during the sub-stages in design) before commencing on the finalization of the design. Such design reviews would be most efficient when its done collaboratively. The risk that arises from the design should be eliminated where practical and minimizing any risk where elimination is never going to happen. Any possible risk that arises should be documented and be brought up to relevant stakeholders (including contractors, owners, etc).
Safety is an issue which cannot be taken lightly, and as such, information should be made known throughout the stages and throughout the different management level.Risk assessment and awareness should and always be maintained throughout life of project. An open and honest dialogue regarding safety should always be present even if its between a high management level or low. The ground of communication here has to always be as flat as possible for a well exchanged insights on safety especially for those personnel on-site. If a personnel is always on site working, he/she would definitely appreciate safety risk be acknowledged and handled. Though it is always certain that instruction would come top to bottom, rest assured, a bottom up safety report should exist and always be present throughout the project as it is the first contact of risk management that is available. Do take note that all risk safety issues should be formalized and documented for any purpose usage.
Where safety issue is inevitable, as said previously, it is always best to substitute it for a better option. This stage would mean careful consideration as substitution of hazard would mean converting it to ‘less hazardous’ but we would have to take note if it make other hazard arises from such action. If substitution and elimination cannot be made available, precautions have to be made at the highest level such that there would be no room for safety overlaps and over-looking the possibility of risk. Take for example, isolating the hazardous area or even adopting of safety systems to the said area. Improving of safety must also be observed through having KPI(s) where it is rigorously monitored and measured. This action would take enormous amount of collaboration among stake holders and personnel of site. Regular reviews of KPI(s) would mean a harder striving community of work safety throughout the project.
So as we all realize, safety is not a one management responsibility. The main system is to have it coming from both top to bottom and bottom to top as safety is everyone’s responsibility. It might seem like a fairly small bit of issue but on a personal level, safety plays a huge part as it might cause someone’s life, family and also a partner.
Stay safe and God bless.